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Borneo Bengkel Joins Living Archive As Launch Partner


Following the success of Borneo Bengkel’s groundbreaking, world-first gathering, that encompassed 16 creatives across 5 different countries, the organisation has been named by Living Archive as a launch partner. Borneo Bengkel brought musicians together on the Living Archive cloud-based platform, to showcase, collaborate and inspire musicians from the United Kingdom, Indonesia and Malaysia to digitally perform remotely from different countries to create a stunning collection of sound, music and endangered languages to share with the world. Using the platform, which makes it easy to upload, organise, curate and exhibit digital multi-media content, Borneo Bengkel opened up entirely new channels of engagement to showcase the work, which they have called Soundbank, connecting with communities and stakeholders across the globe. The creation which explores the theme “Divided By Lockdowns and Borders, Can We Still Connect Digitally Across Oceans Through Sound?” is now an online interactive exhibition on Living Archive, presenting words, songs and photographs from British, Malaysian and Indonesian collaborators. Soundbank, is now an established digital archive and play space of music, visuals and found sound. Living Archive owner Nick John Williams is delighted with the success of Soundbank and that the platform has enabled such an innovative collaboration. He said: “The innovative way that Borneo Bengkel have used the platform is to be commended as not only is it a truly engaging exhibition that everyone should visit, it is also a perfect example of the power of Living Archive to catalyse new ways of working. It will raise awareness of the incredible impact projects such as this have for both participants and audiences around the world. I am delighted to welcome them as launch partners to business and hope their lifelong use of the platform is as rewarding as has it has been to date.” Soundbank brings together musicians exploring folk music with a contemporary twist. The recordings include over five endangered indigenous languages such as Scottish Gaelic, alongside Dusun and Kayan from Borneo. The curator of the project, Catriona Maddocks has spent 10 years working in South East Asia and currently divides her time between Borneo and her home in the North East. She said: “The Soundbank project came from the realisation that even though we are so separated from each other, the digital world and Living Archive gives the means and opportunity to connect with people from distant places to create together. We are very excited to have the opportunity to continue to bring people together to collaborate in an innovative way via this amazing platform.” Soundbank is supported by the British Council’s Connections Through Culture grant. It can be viewed on If you would like to know more about how Living Archive can help your community or organisation realise ambitious collaborative project, please get in touch on

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